Every afternoon, even this summer, when the school should be relatively empty, one can hear the ripping sounds of tape being wrapped around boxes in a building that could pass for a United Parcel Service shipping terminal. 即使在这个夏日午后,学校相对空旷的时候,还是可以听到楼里面传来的撕胶带贴在包装盒上的声音,这些包装盒可能就是送往联邦快递(UPS)物流中心的。
Exit room and click on the bottom of the hall and enter the now open and empty room with the crime scene tape. 退出房间,然后按一下大厅的底部,并进入犯罪现场磁带现已开放和空房间。
For a long time, as the work site lay empty because of red tape, litigation and labour actions, it has been possible to entertain doubts. 很长时间里,由于各种繁琐程序、诉讼和劳工行动,重建工地上一直空空如也,阿兰曼的观点也很自然地招致怀疑。